
Waiting For Mr or Ms Right To Join Your Network Marketing Business Is A Waste Of Time Yours

Have you ever chased someone you felt would be an excellent prospect to join your business? You have done everything - short of giving up your firstborn - to sponsor this person to no avail.Instead of pursuing other prospects, you continue trying to win this prospect over to your side. You leave telephone messages or send emails without getting a response. The reason for this person not getting back to you, you rationalize, is that they probably have not received your messages.Believe it or not, there are some people who love to be chased. The concept of having you on the hook (instead of the other way around) excites them. Perhaps others see right through them and will not participate in their "come on and chase me" charade.To let my Rhode Island Longines show, I'll use this colloquialism: forgetaboutit. Move on.You may think this person is worth the effort but, trust me from a been there, done that perspective, no prospect deserves the right to waste your time.I have a rule of thumb which has worked for me: only make two follow-up calls.If I reach a prospect's voicemail when I make my first follow-up call, I will leave a message with my contact numbers. My second follow up call is made two days later explaining that I had called a few days ago and if there is any interest to give me a call as I will not be calling back…and I would leave my contact numbers once again. Do I forget about this prospect? Yes and no. Yes, I will forget about wasting any more of my time making phone calls to him/her. No, I will not forget him/her entirely as I will add this person to my email and/or direct mail list for Audemars Piguet Watches future "impersonal" contacts that will not involve any further time investment on my part.Actually you should thank your lucky stars that this person, your Mr. or Ms. Right for your business, is blowing you off. Imagine what it would be like if this type of person joined your business.As a matter of fact, there is such a person who was sponsored by one of my team members into our business. When he first started talking about her to me one of his descriptions was that she was a network marketing goliath. She would personally bring his business into the stratosphere as she knew everybody who was anybody in network marketing. (She proved to be difficult even as a prospect: phone calls to her were unreturned and she scheduled three meetings - that I know B.R.M Watches of - to see a one-on-one business presentation and then cancelled all three.) After she eventually joined the business, in spite of scheduling two group meetings at her home, she cancelled both of them. No, she did not have the courtesy of cancelling either one…my team member called her the day before to get a count of who would be attending only to be told - once he reached her Hublot - that no one was coming.Mr. or Ms. Right do not have to be chased. He or she will find you.

