
Weapons Of MLM Mass Domination Uncovered How You Can Generate Insane Numbers Of Leads

Has your MLM business imploded while you watch other network marketers EXPLODE their MLM?Until recently, I entered MLM warfare with a civil war era single shot muzzle loader.. Unfortunately for me, the war I was fighting in the others were using laser guided, remote, computer controlled weapons. My progress was way slower than the other networkers...You're here reading this because you are tied down and immobilized in your MLM business: still engaged in hand-to-hand combat.What, exactly, is MLM hand-to-hand combat? I'm sure you're familiar with it...Cold calls, buing lead lists, talking to your friends and family, posting flyers, giving away free samples (they weren't free to you, were they?).A few months ago I was recruited to the other army. I lay down my rifle, surrendered my old methods and walked away... forever.Weapons of mass mlm domination... sounds impressively frightening if you're not the one aiming them.The networking industry's best marketers are using the weapons of mass MLM domination to do just that... DOMINATE their MLM businesses.By now you've heard Nail art of pay per click, forums, classified ads, banner ads, social network marketing, video marketing, ezines, solo ads, listbuilders, article marketing... the possibilities make the mind swim.For many people, the arsenal of marketing tools is just down-right frightening."It costs too much", "I can't use a computer that way", "Using the internet takes more knowledge than I have". There are lots of excuses...Lets get one thing in the open right now...Fear holds you back, and keeps you right where you are, with exactly what you've always had! Nothing!Initially I was afraid too. But I compared my fears to figure out what I was more Nail Polish afraid of. My fear of staying exactly where I was is far greater than my fear of trying something new.What I learned in less than a month -while working a full time job, building another business doing real estate investing, raising 2 kids under 10 years old, training and racing my bicycle - as a 40 year old with little to no experience using the internet is this:1. Set up my own blog site (still in progress, but functional and creates great SEO ranking)2. Set up autoresponder for my lead capture page.3. Set up lead capture page.4. Have over 20 affiliate marketing programs that pay me commissions SEPARATE from my primary MLM.5. Learned what HTML is about, but still don't have to know how to write it in order to do anything online.6. Can send thousands of random marketing e-mails with one click that are not blocked as spam.7. Promote my articles on over 300 sites and 30+ social networks in minutes.I'm a smart guy, but no smarter than anyone else. What I have is desire to learn and become better at what I do and I am persistent at going after my goals.Not a very big secret. Desire and persistence.It doesn't matter if you can spend an hour a day or 15. You can use the same system of tools to create a continuous marketing stream that's in front of thousands of people, continuously.If your enemy is LACK OF MONEY, it's time to put down your 18th century marketing tools that 97% of network marketer still use.Go ahead, grab some explosive arms and pick up the most technologically advanced weapons that will help you dominate the network marketing industry with the top 3% of networkers.Warren SmithGet Ahead In Life Marketing Group406 490-2556mlmgrowthexplosion.comIt wasn't until I read this information that I finally "got it" and realized that I needed a "Extreme MLM Makeover". Check it out, it'll change your life...recruitmorereps.mlmgrowthexplosion.com

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